(970) 389-4964




Alpine Tree Services offers quality service, always clean up the job site and are fully insured. We also are dedicated to implementing green practices wherever possible and limit the impact on the undergrowth. 

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Beetle Block

About Beetle Block: Beetle Block-Verbenone is a pheromone repellent. When a beetle attacks a tree, the beetle emits an attraction pheromone to signal others to come to that host tree. When the population reaches a high density, beetles in the tree then emit a repellent pheromone to signal to other beetles that the tree cannot support additional beetles. This repellent is Verbenone and it has been chemically copied in the new Beetle Block packets.

Safety: User and Eco-Friendly. Unlike the insecticides approved for Mountain Pine Beetle it does not kill bees, beneficial insects, or aquatic organisms. It can be used safely around lakes and streams and it is not harmful to pets or wildlife. Use plastic gloves when handling dispensers and KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Read the label and follow the precautionary statements.

Registered: EPA (Biopesticide Division) and most Rocky Mountain States.

Application: An easy-to-use controlled release dispenser is hung on individual trees or placed in a grid pattern when wanting to protect acreage. Dispensers will emit for about 100 days, which is usually longer than beetle flights. Apply 1-2 weeks prior to expected beetle flight in your area. In Summit County, prime-time for beetle flight is early to mid July. Beetles can fly up until September so use these packets as a protective measure all the way up until September. Staple or nail dispenser through tab at top of dispenser to the tree 6-12 feet high. DO NOT puncture the white part of the dispenser.

Independent Tests: Four years of testing by the USDA/Forest Service shows that in high beetle populations where beetles were specifically attracted into the test area with attractants, the percentage of trees mass attacked was reduced from an average of 74% on untreated trees to 18% on Beetle Block-Verbenone treated trees. The number of Beetle Block dispensers was 2/tree. In the 2008 trial there was a 90% reduction at 30/acre. Under moderate to low beetle pressure in British Columbia where beetle killed trees had been removed in homeowner subdivisions, trees that were mass attacked was reduced from 48% in untreated areas to 4% in verbenone treated areas. The number of dispensers was 20-25/acre.

The message is that high beetle populations require higher use rate compared to lower beetle populations. Beetle Block-Verbenone may not give the desired control under high beetle populations where more than 60-70% of the trees are expected to be killed. This product was successfully used in 2007 and 2008 in CO, MT, WY, ID, UT by Forest Service, State Agencies, HOAs, ranches, recreational areas and homeowners.

You can now order Verbenone and order MCH in these FDA approved, eco-friendly Verbenone packs CAN NOT SELL OR SHIP TO CALIFORNIA!